
Any questions? We have the answers!

You may already find the answer to your question in our FAQ.

  • General Inquiry

    Your dealer is the first point of contact for sales advice and the vehicle ordering process.

    If you are already in contact with your dealer and have a request regarding the process, our team will be happy to support you.

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  • Service Inquiry

    Your dealer or service partner is the first point of contact for all complaints, repair enquiries & technical concerns relating to your vehicle. Your dealer or service partner will also be happy to help you with retrofits and the supply of spare parts. 

    If you are already in contact with your partner or have any other concerns, our service team will be happy to assist you!

    You can reach our service team conveniently via the contact form below.

    You can also reach us by phone:
    Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. as well as Tuesday and Thursday from 4 p.m. to 3 p.m. on the phone number: +49 7524 999360.

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  • Press inquiry

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Your strong partner

For all vehicle-related questions, your local trading partner is always at your disposal.